Knee pain-causes -symptoms-Home remedis

 Knee pain 

causes -symptoms-Home remedis

Knee pain is a very common problem and can be quite annoying. Apart from knee pain, many other symptoms can also occur. Such as knee swelling, left knee pain, right knee pain, pain around the knee cap; Stiffness and pain in knee joints. This pain can be caused by a variety of causes, including: osteoarthritis or arthritis of the knee, meniscus tear, runners knee, bursitis knee, knee ligament injury, and other knee injuries.

In this post, we try to help you understand the treatment of knee pain and knee joint pain. Our physiotherapists are also offering home remedies and treatment tips for knee pain. If the pain still persists, contact the Reliva Physiotherapy Clinic near you in your city and our physio will solve all your knee problems based on your knee evaluation.

It's important to know whether there's any swelling of the knee joint if there's any giving way of the knee joint, whether there's any associated pain that's going further down the leg, or if the pain is actually coming from another area and it's actually around the knee that you actually feeling the discomfort. So if your knee pain is not resolving and not settling and it's all there's swelling of the knee, locking, catching giving way, then there's something significant happening in the knee joint. A few clicks and bits of discomfort are normal part of life but pain particularly related to activity and the associate features means there's something more serious going on with the knee.

The cause of acute knee pain is often related to something that happens when you're walking or you twist your knee or if you're playing a sport and I think it's important to assess and see what happens especially if the problem doesn't go away and it continues to bother you after about five or six weeks of rest and ice and physiotherapy, from your local doctor, then I think it becomes an important injury to assess and treat. Equally, chronic knee pain ends to be pain that's present either on the inside or the outside or even in the back of the knee and it carries on for much longer and it gets to a point where all the things that you have done to try and improve it, taking painkillers, physiotherapy, exercises, all of it haven't helped in which case the pain has now got to a point where something is something is really going on and needs to be looked at and treated. If you have an acute knee injury what you can do is to initially I think do consult this physiotherapist or imp department to find out what might be the cause of an injury. If it's not a fracture and we're dealing mainly with a soft tissue injury, then I think it's important to give some rest, some ice reduce the swelling come down. If possible if you can see a local your general practitioner or the physiotherapist get some advice on how to rehabilitate yourself. But I think if the pain is not settling it's in fact getting worse over a bit of time then I think it's important to not neglect it and get back to doing things but to seek help. Just because somebody has knee pain doesn't mean necessarily mean they need an operation. Very often a knee pain can be managed without surgical treatment and that includes seeing somebody who can guide you with your exercises, what you should do and should not do, taking painkillers as required and finally if the sport that you're doing is detrimental to your knee getting advice on other sports that you can do that's less harmful to your knee.

Here are some common conditions that often cause knee pain:

  • Osteoarthritis
  • Patellophenyl pain syndrome,
  • Patellar tendinitis,
  • Iliotibial band syndrome,
  • Patella chaos,
  • Bursitis,
  • Sports injury

Simple knee pain can be easily cured with some home remedies. But for some severe knee pain you will need therapy. It is important to accurately diagnose the cause of your knee pain or injury so that proper treatment can be directed at the cause.

Home remedy - No - 1

I am sharing  a Herbal Liniment to cure joint and muscle pain. Specially for knees, shoulders and back pain In this article : I will share you how to prepare the herbal remedy and how to store it and the set time before usage and finally I will tell the best effective way to apply this remedy on your joint So to get the best out of this remedy read carefully. I will use lemon to make this remedy for joint treatment Get two medium size lemons then rind them using hand slicer or knife Lemons peels is a very effective therapy for joint pain with an application of poly methoxy flavonoid which contribute to the anti-inflammatory benefit After peeling the lemons get a clean jar then, Put the rind of two lemons in the jar Lemon peels contains high amount of calcium and vitamin C along with other varieties of vitamins and minerals Now cover lemon peels with olive oil Olive oil is rich with Omega 3 and works as an anti-inflammatory to help reduce swelling and pain in arthritic joints close the jar Then put the jar in paper bag or wrap it with dark material Store the jar in dark area and let it reset for at least 3 weeks It can be stored in the bottom of kitchen cabinet or closet away from direct sunlight it is important to wash the affected area with warm water before starting then, apply the Herbal Liniment onto the area where you are feeling pain Try to use various massage strokes on the affected area, to help Herbal Liniment absorbed through your skin faster to improve bone and muscle health in short time For maximum absorbent put a plastic bag over the affected area to seal the oil against your skin wrap with elastic bandage or cloth wrap to help keeping the area warm This remedy can be used during day time and over night until you pain goes away

Home remedy - No - 2

Joint pain can strike anytime may you be old or young so here's a fast and easy home remedy to cure you of this stubborn problem. The ingredients that you need are 2 tablespoon of cayenne pepper powder. Cayenne pepper is rich in capsaicin that reduces pain and has properties that warm the area and release the discomfort and pain. 1 cup Apple Cider Vinegar and half inch grated ginger. In the solution of ACV add cayenne pepper and grated ginger. Stir the mixture until you get a fine paste. Apply this paste on the affected area and leave it on for twenty minutes. Remember to apply this paste two times a day on the affected area to lessen the pain and eventually get rid of it.


Home remedy - No - 3

knee pain has become a very common complaint today unlike earlier years when only the elderly seem to be afflicted by it even youngsters seem to increasingly be having this problem today since the knees have to bear the weight of the body it is very important that they have been looked after well the most common cause of knee pain is arthritis which affects the knee joint however excessive weight or any injury can also result in knee-pain which if severe can lead to a debilitating lifestyle

A -: let's look at some traditional but effective ways of treating knee pain coconut oil known for its curative properties is one of the best ways of treating knee pain massage the knees two to three times a day with slightly warm coconut oil and keep your knees covered for about 10 minutes

B -methi or fenugreek seeds have also been known to provide knee pain relief so take a few teaspoons of methi seeds and now dry roast them in a pan let it cool for some time and then make a fine powder, take few teaspoons of this powder add enough water to make a thick paste and apply this over your knees for a few hours and then wash it of

C -: to a pan add one to one-and-a-half cups of drinking water take some fresh ginger and grate it and now take about half a teaspoon of grated ginger and take half a teaspoon of turmeric or haldi powder let this heat for about 10 to 12 minutes once it boils strain this liquid and add 2 teaspoons of honey to it mix this well and it's ready to drink.

besides the above remedies dilute half a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and one cup of water and take small sips of this solution

remember if you're suffering from knee pain do not overly stress your knees and do not be immobile for prolonged periods which would make the joints stiff take care of your knees because you need them to get a round

Here are some symptoms when you should definitely consult a doctor or physiotherapist for knee pain:

  • Knee pain continues even after 5-6 days
  • Sudden knee pain (with or without injury)
  • You are unable to walk comfortably on the affected side
  • An injury that has caused deformity around the knee joint.
  • You experience knee locking or knee joint buckling.
  • You have signs of infection like fever and redness along with swelling in the knee.

If you experience any of these symptoms, contact a doctor immediately. Please consult your physiotherapist or doctor for the most accurate diagnosis and best treatment for knee pain.

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